The Millennium Simulation (MR)
This site makes the results of two simulations based on the WMAP1 cosmology
available to the public. The first of these, the milli-Millennium
simulation, is available in both the public and the protected are of this site and
was run as the precursor to the much larger Millennium simulation.
The simulations were performed by Volker Springel of the MPA using a specially customized version
of the GADGET 2 simulation code.
Both are pure dark matter simulations in a periodic cubic box. The difference between the two is the size of the box,
which is 62.5 Mpc/h for the milli-Millennium, and 500 Mpc/h for the Millennium simulation, and the number
of particles, which was 2703 and 512 times that much for the milli-Millennium and Millennium respectively.
The other parameters such as cosmology and resolution were the same.
The simulation parameters for the Millennium simulation are as follows:
- Ωm = Ωdm+Ωb = 0.25
density parameter (ρm/ρcrit) in total matter
- Ωb = 0.045
density parameter in baryons
- ΩΛ = 0.75
density parameter of dark energy
- h = H0/100 km/s/Mpc = 0.73
Hubble parameter in units 100 km/s/Mpc
- n = 1
slope initial power spectrum
- σ8 = 0.9
mass density fluctuation amplitude in 8 Mpc/h sphere at present
- mp = 8.61 x 108 Msun/h
particle mass in solar masses
- L = 500 Mpc/h
size of the cubic simulation box
- Number of particles = 21603
For further details see V. Springel et al. 2005, Nature 435, 629
The Millennium WMAP7 Simulation (MR7)
The protected area of the site also makes available models based on a version of the
Millennium Simulation using the WMAP7 cosmology. This run is referred to as MR7 in database and table names.
The simulation parameters for this run are as follows:
- Ωm = Ωdm+Ωb = 0.272
density parameter (ρm/ρcrit) in total matter
- Ωb = 0.0455
density parameter in baryons
- ΩΛ = 0.728
density parameter of dark energy
- h = H0/100 km/s/Mpc = 0.704
Hubble parameter in units 100 km/s/Mpc
- n = 0.967
slope initial power spectrum
- σ8 = 0.81
mass density fluctuation amplitude in 8 Mpc/h sphere at present
- mp = 9.31 x 108 Msun/h
particle mass in solar masses
- L = 500 Mpc/h
size of the cubic simulation box
- Number of particles = 21603
Details of this simulation are described in
Guo etal (2013)
where it is refered to by the name MS-W7.
The linear phases used for the MR7 initial conditions are taken from Panphasia -
the public multi-scale Gaussian white noise field described in
Jenkins 2013.
The phases for the MR7 simulation are published in table 6 of
Jenkins 2013, where the name MW7 is used.