:  Blaizot2006_AllSky

This dataset contains 6 all-sky mock catalogues (tables Blaizot_AllSky_RT_x, with x = 1-5 and Blaizot_AllSky_PT_1). They are all limited at an apparent AB magnitude of 18 in the r filter from SDSS, in an attempt to reproduce (with some margin) the SDSS spectroscopic selection. The catalogues include apparent magnitudes in the 8 filters from both SDSS and 2MASS (namely u,g,r,i,z,J,H, and K).

These light-cones were made using the MoMaF code (see Blaizot et al. 2005, MNRAS 360, 159) and the semi-analytic model presented in De Lucia & Blaizot 2006 (astro-ph/0606519), the results of which are stored in the MPAGalaxies..DeLucia2006a table.

Light-cones 'Blaizot_AllSky_RT_1' to 'Blaizot_AllSky_RT_5' use the random tiling technique described in Blaizot et al. (2005), and each of these mock catalogues was generated with a different seed for the random number generator. In practice, the main effect of this here is that the "observer" sits in different parts of the simulation volume for each light-cone, thus allowing estimates of cosmic variance in the very local universe.

The light-cone 'Blaizot_AllSky_PT_1' preserves the periodicity of the density field (i.e. it does not use *random* tiling). The price to pay is that replications do introduce spatial correlations on very large scales. The gain is that the density field is indeed almost continuous across the whole light-cone volume.

The tables contain not only the "observable" information for the mock catalogues, but also all the attributes(columns) of the underlying galaxy obtained from DeLucia2006a. This information could in principle be obtained using a join on the galaxyId column, however for large subsets this can easily cause a degradation in query speed to beyond the current timeout limits. Hence we have added this information for you already.

Credits : on top of the normal credits for using the Millennium database (see here), please also refer to the MoMaF paper (Blaizot et al. 2005, MNRAS 360, 159) if you use these mock catalogues for publication.

Example queries :

redshift distribution

select floor(cosmo_redshift*500)/500 as z 
,      count(*) as n 
  from mpamocks..blaizot2006_allsky_rt_1 
 group by floor(cosmo_redshift*500)/500 
 order by z 

mass distribution of a random subsample

select floor(log10(stellarmass)*10)/10 as lmstar
,      count(*) as n
  from mpamocks..Blaizot2006_AllSky_RT_1
group by floor(log10(stellarmass)*10)/10
  order by lmstar

All the tables in this set have the following structure:
ObjIDlongUnique ID of a galaxy in the light-cone.
xposfloatMpc/h comovingcartesian coordinate x (along the central line of sight)
yposfloatMpc/h comovingcartesian coordinate y (perpendicular to the central line of sight)
zposfloatMpc/h comovingcartesian coordinate z (perpendicular to the central line of sight)
rafloatdegreeright ascension
app_redshiftfloatapparent redshift
cosmo_redshiftfloatcosmological redshift
vlosfloatkm/sline-of-sight velocity
SDSS_ufloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter SDSS_u
SDSS_gfloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter SDSS_g
SDSS_rfloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter SDSS_r
SDSS_ifloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter SDSS_i
SDSS_zfloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter SDSS_z
TWOMASS_Hfloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter 2MASS_H
TWOMASS_Jfloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter 2MASS_J
TWOMASS_Kfloatapparent (AB) magnitude in filter 2MASS_K
galaxyID long meta.id;meta.main ID of galaxy, unique within simulation and SAM run.
lastProgenitorId long meta.id.assoc All galaxies with id between this galaxyId and this lastProgenitorId together are the merger tree rooted in this galaxy.
descendantId long meta.id.assoc Pointer to the descendant of this galaxy in its merger tree; -1 if there is no descendant
haloID long meta.id.parent Unique ID of MPA halo containing this galaxy
subHaloID long meta.id; The ID of the sub-halo this galaxy resides in. Identical to the subhaloId of the halo identified by the haloId.
fofID long meta.id; The id of the sub-halo at the center of the friends-of-friends (FOF) this galaxy resides in.
treeId long meta.id.parent unique id of galaxy formation tree containing this galaxy
firstProgenitorId long meta.id.assoc Main progenitor of this galaxy. Also the first progenitor in a linked list representation of the merger tree.
nextProgenitorId long meta.id.assoc Next progenitor of this galaxy in linked list representation of merger tree
type int src.class 0,1 or 2 indicating whether this galaxy is a central galaxy of its FOF group, central galaxy of a subhalo, or a satellite galaxy.
snapnum int time The snapshot number where this galaxy was identified.
This column corresponds to the snapnum column in the Snapshots table in MField.
redshift float time redshift of the snapshot where this galaxy resides
centralMvir float phys.veloc.dispersion 1010/h Msun virial mass of background (FOF) halo containing this galaxy
phkey int Peano-Hilbert key, (bits=8), for position in 500/h Mpc box
See the text on spatial indexes.
x float pos.cartesian.x 1/h Mpc x-component position
y float pos.cartesian.y 1/h) Mpc y-component position
z float pos.cartesian.z 1/h Mpc z-component position
zIndex long The "bit-interleaved" or "Z-curve" index, corresponding to this galaxy's position. Same resolution as phKey.
See the text on spatial indexes.
ix integer pos.cartesian.x Zone index along x-direction, based on 50 bins
See the text on spatial indexes.
iy integer pos.cartesian.x Zone index along y-direction, based on 50 bins
See the text on spatial indexes.
iz integer pos.cartesian.x Zone index along z-direction, based on 50 bins
See the text on spatial indexes.
velX float phys.veloc km/s x-component velocity
velY float phys.veloc km/s y-component velocity
velZ float phys.veloc km/s z-component velocity
np int meta.number Number of particles in halo the galaxy belongs to.
mvir float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Virial mass of the subhalo the galaxy is/was the center of.
rvir float phys.size.radius Mpc/h Virial radius of the subhalo the galaxy is/was the center of.
vvir float phys.veloc km/s Virial velocity of the subhalo the galaxy is/was the center of.
vmax float phys.veloc.rotat km/s Maximum rotational velocity of the subhalo of which this galaxy is the center, or the last value for satellite galaxies.
coldGas float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in cold gas.
stellarMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in stars.
bulgeMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass of bulge.
hotGas float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in hot gas component of this galaxy's subhalo. TBD on type 2 galaxies.
ejectedMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun/h The ejected mass component (see de Lucia et al., 2004, MNRAS, Volume 349, 1101-1116).
blackHoleMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass of central black hole
metalsColdGas float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in metals in cold gas.
metalsStellarMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in metals in stars.
metalsBulgeMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in metals in bulge.
metalsHotGas float phys.mass 1010/h Msun ratio of mass in metals.
metalsEjectedMass float phys.mass 1010/h Msun Mass in metals in ejected gas.
sfr float phys.SFR Msun/yr Star formation rate
sfrBulge float phys.SFR Msun/yr Star formation rate in the bulge.
xrayLum float em.X-Ray TBD X-Ray luminosity
diskRadius float phys.size.radius Mpc/h Disk radius, derived form halo radius ala Mo, Mao and White (1997)
coolingRadius float phys.size.radius Mpc/h The radius within which the cooling time scale is shorter than the dynamical timescale
mag_b float em.opt.B Absolute rest frame B (Buser B3 filter) magnitude (Vega) of galaxy.
mag_v float em.opt.V Absolute rest frame V (Buser V filter) magnitude (Vega) of galaxy
mag_r float em.opt.R Absolute rest frame R (Johnson R filter) magnitude (Vega) of galaxy.
mag_i float em.opt.I Absolute rest frame I (Johnson I filter) magnitude (Vega) of galaxy.
mag_k float em.opt Absolute rest frame K (Johnson K filter) magnitude (Vega) of galaxy.
mag_bBulge float em.opt.B Absolute rest frame B (Buser B3 filter) magnitude (Vega) of bulge
mag_vBulge float em.opt.V Absolute rest frame V (Buser V filter) magnitude (Vega) of bulge
mag_rBulge float em.opt.R Absolute rest frame R (Johnson R filter) magnitude (Vega) of bulge
mag_iBulge float em.opt.I Absolute rest frame I (Johnson I filter) magnitude (Vega) of bulge
mag_kBulge float em.opt Absolute rest frame K (Johnson K filter) magnitude (Vega) of bulge
mag_bDust float em.opt.B Absolute rest frame B (Buser B3 filter) magnitude (Vega), dust extinction included
mag_vDust float em.opt.V Absolute rest frame V (Buser V filter) magnitude (Vega), dust extinction included
mag_rDust float em.opt.R Absolute rest frame R (Johnson R filter) magnitude (Vega), dust extinction included
mag_iDust float em.opt.I Absolute rest frame I (Johnson I filter) magnitude (Vega), dust extinction included
mag_kDust float em.opt Absolute rest frame K (Johnson K filter) magnitude (Vega), dust extinction included
massWeightedAge float 109/h yr The age of this galaxy, weighted by mass of their components.
random integer Random number between 0 and 1000000 (using java.lang.Math.random()).
See the page on random sampling.