:  SFH_Times_MR and SFH_Times_MRII

These tabels contain the time structure for the full star formation and metalliticy bins available in the main catalogues which can be used to compute galaxy emission in additional photometric bands or to serve as input for SED fiting codes. The resolution of the time-bins is approximately 2 Myr at the present day and decreases with increasing redshift. The binning method, as well as sample star-formation histories, are described in Shamshiri et al. 2015 . Soon we also plan on making available full spectra, computed from these star formation histories, for a representative subset of galaxies.

The columns representing these bins are called

Here [i] runs form 1-20, i.e. the real columns are sfh_DiskMass_1, sfh_DiskMass_2, ... etc.

Each combination of snapnum and [i] represents a bin with a particular lookback time and width. The tables SFH_Times_MR and SFH_Times_MRII contain the values for these and related properties.

snapnuminteger Snapshot number
binintegerThe index of the SFH bins, value between 1 and 20. Corresponds to the index i on the various sfh_***_i columns in the main galaxy tables.
lookbackTimefloatyrTo center of bin
dtfloatyrwidth of bin
nbinsintegernumber of smallest size bins that were merged into this bin
t_fromfloatyrLookback time to nearest side of bin.
t_tofloatyrLookback time to farthest side of bin.